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    Robin Lock at St. Lawrence University maintains an extensive collection of links for teaching statistics. For an overview of his collection and talks that he has given relating to this collection go to his homepage.

    Robin's 1999 talk at Monroe Community College provides links to helpful sites broken down into categories as follows:

    Other sites

    • CHANCE Magazine is jointly published by the American Statistical Association and Springer-Verlag. CHANCE Magazine is a "Scientific American" of probability and statistics. It features articles that showcase the use of statistical methods and ideas in the social, biological, physical, and medical sciences. It also has the regular columns: Book reviews, Windows on Washington, Visual revelations, Statistics and computing, Puzzle corner, Problem couner and A statistician reads the newspaper.

    • Another good source of links related to statistics education is provided Juha Puranen at the University of Helsinki.

    • Andrew Gelman is a professor in the Departments of Statistics and Political Science at Columbia University and he maintains an excellent Blog: Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science.

    • Another interesting blog is Bill's Blog.:This blog is maintained by Bill Finzer, Fathom developer. Finzer finds data related to everday experiences such as life expectancy, traffic, and noise and analyses the data using the Fathom software.

    • David Harris maintains a web set Planetqhe. He writes:Planetqhe is primarily written for International Baccalaureate students but can be used in any high school math class, especially those involving project work or coursework. There are over 30 probability activities based on questions; answers are deliberately left out. That's why planetqhe stands for Probabilistic Learning Activities; Question, Hypothesis, Experiment.David sells chance-inspired goods at his store to help support his website

    • The Probability Web The Probability Web was conceived by Phil Pollett at the University of Queensland, who maintained it from October 1995 to February 2001. It is now being maintained by Bob Dobrow at Carleton College..This is the best best place to find probability news and resources

    • Introductory probability course links. Some links we think might be useful in teaching an introductory probability course.

    • Chance and Data in the News is a collection of chance newspaper articles from the Australian newspaper Hobart Mercury. These are grouped according to the five topics: Data Collection and Sampling, Data Representation, Chance and Basic Probability, Data Reduction and Inference. Each topic starts with general questions for articles related to this topic. In addition, each article has specific questions pertaining to it and reference to related articles.

    • Who's Counting? This is a column written by John Paulos for ABC news. His column appears the first day of each month and is often on a probability or statistical topic. Archives of earlier columns are also available here.

    • Daily LessonPlan This site provides math lessons based on the day's news, written by Alison Zimbalist of the New York Times Learning Network, and Lorin Driggs, of The Bank Street College of Education in New York City. The lessons are based on articles in the New York Times and the text of the related articles is available.

    • Life's a Risk A course taught by Linda Thiel at Ursinus College based on current issues in the news related to risks.

    • Robert Griffin at Marquette University teaches a graduate seminar called Quantitative Research Methods in Communication. His site has many interesting examples, including some based on our Chance materials.

    • Philip Stark at the University of California Berkeley is writing an on-line text "Statistical Tools for Internet and Classroom Instruction with a Graphical User Interface" which he has used in teaching Berkeley's introductory course Statistics 2. Prof. Stark also testifies for chance issues in the courts. You will find, for example, at his homepage papers, talks and testimony relating to sampling issues in the Census.

    • The IEM Presidential Election Market.This is a real-money futures market where contract payoffs will be determined by theoutcome of major elections.

    • Jim Morrow homepage: You will find here a nice discussion of Malthus and population growth and also mathematical models. These came from his experience teaching the Mount Holyoke College Quantitative Reasoning course.

    • Harold Brooks does research on weather forecasting and teaches a course on weather verification. See also his evaluation of five different weather predictions sources in Oklahoma City for which the data is provided.

    • Tools for Teaching and Assessing Statistical Inference by Joan Garfield, Robert C delMas, and Beth Chance. This is an NSF project to construct modules based on simulations to help students understand basic statistical concepts such as: sampling distribution, confidence intervals, p-values and power and to assess the students' understanding before and after using these tools.

    • The Artist Website  This web site provides a variety of assessment resources for teaching first courses in Statistics. Currently we provide articles and weblinks related to assessing student outcomes. In the near future, this site will contain assessment items and tasks, provide online testing, offer guidelines for using the assessment items and tasks, and allow for the collection and compilation of data for research and evaluation purposes.  

    • Probability Surprises by Susan Holmes. This is an NSF project to create a collection of modules that surprise and engage students - the 'Gotcha!' of probability" It includes Applets to simulate the the birthday problem, the coupon problem, matching problems, a tree problem, and an experiment to see if you can tell the difference between a Bernoulli trial sequence and a dependent sequence.

    • The Statistical Education Research Newsletter is a new publication of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). The newsletter includes summaries of recent research papers, books, dissertations, bibliographies on specific topics, information about recent and future conferences, and interesting internet resources. It also includes short research papers.

    • Elliot A. Tanis at Hope College Here you will find several papers by Tanis on the use of Maple in teaching probability and statistics courses. These papers include the programs used. Particularly interesting is the 1999 paper "Using MAPLE V Release 5 To Find the p.d.f.'s of Sums of Random Variables." These are the natural tools to illustrate the Central Limit Theorem.

    • STATS is a resource for science writers and also publishes a free monthly electronic newsletter "Vital STATS which critiques newspaper articles that abuse statistics. This newsletter is archived on their site and STATS also provides a printed version of the newsletter available free to science writers, and to others for $25 a year. You can learn more about STATS by reading a profile in the Baltimore Sun.

    • Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics through applications Stat Lab integrates the theory of statistics with the practice of statistics through a collection of case studies, which we call labs. Each lab introduces a problem, provides some scientific background, suggests investigations for the data, and provides a summary of the theory used in the investigations.

    • Mathematics HQ Resource Directory. This web site has a lot of information about mathematics quite generally. Of course this includes probability and statistics.

    • Materials for the History of Statistics. This website is maintained by the Department of Mathematics at the Unoversity of York. Of paticular interest is their" Life and Works of Statisticians". Here you will find many of the works of early statisticians inclluding De Moivre's proof of the Central Limit Theorem and The first probability book: Huygens' "The Value of Chances in Games of Fortune" and much more.

    Dartmouth College
    Copyright 1999, J. Laurie Snell
    Last updated 9 November