This Data is provided by Professor Roger W. Johnson (rwjohnso@silver.

NFL Passer Rating Data

Variables below (from left to right):
     Quarterback's last name
     Quarterback's first name
     Pass attempts
     Pass completions
     Passing yardage
     Touchdowns (TDs)
     Interceptions (Ints)
     NFL Rating (rounded to the nearest .1)
The data, obtained from the NFL (_The Official NFL 1999 Record & Fact Book_, Workman Publishing, NY, p.435), are current to the beginning of the 1999-2000 season for those players with at least 1,500 passing attempts. For more details see the article "How does the NFL rate passers?" which appeared in _The UMAP Journal_, volume 18, number 2, pp. 145-166. For future updates of the data below, consult any one of a number of almanacs (not necessarily sports almanacs). As a hint to students on how to fit rating to the other variables an instructor may wish to mention:

"Ratings [are] based on performance standards established for completion percentage, average gain, touchdown percentage, and interception percentage." (Hassan, J., editor, (1997), _ESPN 1998 Information Please Sports Almanac_, Information Please LLC, New York, p. 262.)

Interested individuals may also wish to see the NFL's 1977 publication "National Football League Passer Rating System". In this document 25 of the 36 pages are devoted to look-up tables to compute rating rather than simply giving the formula below (NFL, 410 Park Avenue, New York, NY 1022-4444, (212) 758-1500).

NFL Passer Rating is given by

[5(%Completions - 30)/6] + [10(%TDs)/3] + [25(19 - 2(%Int))/12] + [25(Yards/Attempt - 3)/6]

where it is understood that each item in [ ] is to be truncated to be no smaller than 0 and no larger than 475/12 (giving a maximal rating of 475/3 or 158.3). This rating is rounded to the nearest tenth. When none of the truncation limits are reached, which is true for most passers after a handful of attempts, the above amounts to

Rating = [25 + 10(%Completions) + 40*(%TD) - 50(%INT) + 50(YD/ATT)]/12

All-Time Best NFL Passers by the NFL Passer Rating System:

Young, Steve		4065	2622	32678	229	103	97.6
Montana, Joe		5391	3409	40551	273	139	92.3
Favre, Brett		3757	2318	26803	213	118	89.0
Marino, Dan		7989	4763	58913	408	235	87.3
Graham, Otto		2626	1464	23584	174	135	86.6
Brunell, Mark		1719	1038	12512	72	43	86.3
Kelly, Jim		4779	2874	35467	237	175	84.4
Staubach, Roger		2958	1685	22700	153	109	83.4
Aikman, Troy		4011	2479	28346	141	115	82.8
Lomax, Neil		3153	1817	22771	136	90	82.7
Jurgensen, Sonny	4262	2433	32224	255	189	82.6
Dawson, Len		3741	2136	28711	239	183	82.6
Anderson, Ken		4475	2654	32838	197	160	81.9
Kosar, Bernie		3365	1994	23301	124	87	81.8
White, Danny		2950	1761	21959	155	132	81.7
O'Donnell, Neil		2862	1650	19026	104	57	81.6
Cunningham, Randall	3875	2177	27082	190	119	81.6
Krieg, Dave		5311	3105	38147	261	199	81.5
Esiason, Boomer		5205	2969	37920	247	184	81.1
Moon, Warren		6786	3972	49097	290	232	81.0
Chandler, Chris		2587	1494	18526	119	90	80.9

During recent NFL seasons some newspapers, including _USA Today_, have published passer rating data on quarterbacks for just the season in progress. Such newspapers, of course, provide additional example data sets for students to try to uncover the NFL passer rating method through regession.