Implications of Genetic Correlations among Relatives
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Because of the laws of Mendelian inheritance, the genotypes of biological
relatives are much more similar than those of random individuals. Parent
and child share exactly one identical allele at every locus, sibs share an
average of one identical allele per locus, and grandparent and grandchild
share an average of 0.5 identical allele per locus. (Here, identical refers to
identity by descent from a common ancestor. Relatives can share additional
alleles simply by chance.) These facts have important consequences for
DNA typing:
- The genetic correlation between relatives makes it possible to carry out
parentage and grandparentage testing. Paternity testing with DNA typing is
already an active industry in the United States, and grandmaternity testing
(with mitochondrial DNA, as well as nuclear genes) has been used in
Argentina to reunite families with children who were abducted during the
military dictatorship in the 1970s. [23,24] Relatedness testing involves a
question analogous to that asked in identity testing: What is the chance that
a randomly chosen person in the population would show the degree of
relatedness expected of a relative? The same basic methods of population
genetics apply, as discussed earlier.
- The ability to recognize relatedness poses a novel privacy issue for DNA
databanks. Many states are starting to compile databanks that record
patterns of DNA from convicted criminals, but not from other citizens, with
the hope of identifying recidivists. When a biological sample is found at
the scene of a crime, its DNA pattern can be determined and compared with
a databank. If the unidentified sample perfectly matches a sample in the
convicted-criminal databank at enough loci, the probable perpetrator is
likely to have been found. However, a different outcome could occur: the
sample might match no entry perfectly, but match some entry at about one
allele per locus. Depending on the number of loci studied, one could have a
compelling case that the source of the sample was a first-degree relative
(e.g., brother) of the convicted criminal whose entry was partially matched.
(In practice, four loci would not suffice for this conclusion, but 10 might.)
Such information could be sufficient to focus police attention on a few
persons and might be enough to persuade a court to compel a blood sample
that could be tested for exact match with the sample.
To put it succinctly, DNA databanks have the ability to point not just to
individuals but to entire families-including relatives who have committed
no crime. Clearly, this poses serious issues of privacy and fairness. As we
discuss more fully later (Chapter 5), it is inappropriate, for reasons of
privacy, to search databanks of DNA from convicted criminals in such a
fashion. Such uses should be prevented both by limitations on the software
for search and by statutory guarantees of privacy.
- Finally, the genetic correlation among relatives warrants caution in the
statistical interpretation of DNA typing results. Our discussion above
focused on the probability that a forensic sample would by chance match a
person randomly chosen from the population. However, the probability that
the forensic sample would match a relative of the person who left it is
considerably greater than the probability that it would match a random
person. Indeed, two sibs will often have matching genotypes at a locus-
they have a 25% chance of inheriting the same pair of alleles from their
parents and a 50% chance of inheriting one allele in common (which will
result in identical genotypes if their other alleles happen to match by
chance). Roughly speaking, the probability of a match at
loci will be
in the general population, where
the average chance that two alleles will match (i.e., the apparent
homozygosity rate). Using
= 10% per locus for illustration, the
probability that two sibs match at two loci would be about 10% and at four
loci about 1%. Even for DNA profiles consisting entirely of very rare
, the probability that F two sibs will match at two loci is
about 6% and at four loci about 0.3%. In t short, the probability that two
relatives will have matching genotypes is much greater than for two
randomly chosen persons. Whenever there is a possibility that a suspect is
not the perpetrator but is related to the perpetrator, this issue should be
pointed out to the court. Relatives of a suspect could be excluded, of
course, by testing their genotypes directly, provided that their DNA could
be obtained.
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