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Assignments 2

We are concerned that there are not enough hours in the day for you to do a final project in addition to all of the reading, homework exercises, journal assignments, and computer labs. Other impediments include not knowing where the library is, not having a favorite pizza parlor from which to get statistics about pizza-eating habits, not knowing where to go to find people willing to answer surveys.... We have come up with various alternatives:

All of these alternatives have their drawbacks. We would probably lean toward the final alternative, but we thought it would best to let you discuss among yourselves what you prefer. Maybe you will be able to think of an alternative better than any of those listed here.

Wednesday lab

Do the EEEE units on `When will asteroids hit?' and `Home field advantage?' (ignore question 2 on this one). Write about the questions raised there in your journal.

Journal assignments for Thursday

Journal assignments for Friday

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