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Read the National Review article on second-hand smoke.


  1. Who do you think is more likely to get tennis elbow: the spouse of a smoker or the spouse of a non-smoker?

  2. Peter thinks that Laurie can sink a shot from the foul line at most 5%of the time. They do an experiment, and Laurie manages to sink 6 out of 30. Will Peter admit that he is wrong?

  3. Based on this article, do you think that ETS causes cancer, and if so, how significant is the effect?

  4. When you are exposed to second-hand smoke, do you worry that your health is at risk? Do you think that reading this article will change the way you feel next time you are exposed to second-hand smoke?

  5. What further studies could you do that would help settle the question of the risk of second-hand smoke?

  6. Do you think that the EPA trying to protect trying to protect smokers from themselves, rather than trying to protect non-smokers from smokers?

  7. Do you think cigarettes should be banned? Why or why not? How about alcohol? marijuana? cocaine? heroin?

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