Next: Jack or Jill?
Previous: A reasonable doubt
- Is it reasonable for the government to allow fast-track
approval of drugs like AZT? What are the benefits and
draw-backs of such a practice?
- Would you be willing to participate in a clinical trial for a
drug with known side-effects and untested benefits?
- The first controlled experiments of vaccines for the HIV
virus are now beginning. Would you be willing to
participate in such a program? What would you want to
know before volunteering?
Learn how to use gopher to access articles about current issues in
statistics. Pick a topic that interests you, do some research using
gopher, and report on your findings.
As usual, record in your journal your response to topics discussed in
class and to other issues connected with the course.
Read Chapters 3 and 4 of FPPA, and do the following review
exercises: 1,3,6,10,11 of Chapter 3, and 2,4,5,11 of Chapter 4.