Class 17: Census 2000
Read the article "In a first, 2000 census Is to use sampling", the editorial "No need to count every last person", and the letter to the Editor "Forget the census; let's have doughnuts".
- 1) How could a census done using sampling be more accurate than a census done by actual enumeration?
- 2) As best as you can figure out, what is the Census Bureau really going to do?
- 3) The first New York Times article says that "Critics of the bureau's use of sampling
argue that it is unconstitutional because the Constitution calls for an 'actual enumeraation'.
But decisions in lower Federal courts have approved the use of sampling as long as it supplements, and does not supplant, an actual count". Do you think
the current plan is constitutional? If not, should the Constitution be changed?
- 4) If constitutionality is not an issue, do you think it would be a good idea to
just take a 10% sample of the entire population? What are some the difficulties
- 5) Would you expect that the figure of 44% marajuana smokers in the second editorial is pretty accurate, too low, or too high?
Have a good break!