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Do right-handers live longer? by Halpern and Coren and recent Newspaper articles relating to their research.


Do left-handers live less long than right handers?

All term long we have been making up the questions to go along with the newspaper articles we hand out. Now it's your turn. Review the article by Halpern and Coren and come up with a bunch of stimulating discussion questions, and write them on the board. We will then try to answer these questions.


The CHANCE Fair will take place in Alumni Hall on Sunday December 5 from 4 to 6 P.M. All final projects must be completed and ready for display at the beginning of the Fair. There will be boards on which to put your posters and the management will provide tape for sticking your posters to these boards. You can come a little early to do this. Anything else you need is up to you. If you need a computer please bring your own if possible. If you have any special needs such as a computer, a connection to the network, a VCR etc. we must know at least two days in advance. Make you posters colorful and informative!


In our last class on Tuesday November 30 we will discuss some the theoretical and practical aspects of casino games such as roulette, blackjack etc. that you will have a chance to try out at the Chance Fair.


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