Please use the following scale to rate each component of the course, and add any comments you might have that will help us understand the reason for your rating.
U = unsatisfactory
M = marginal
FG = fairly good
VG = very good
E = excellent
1. The selection of topics presented in the course (e.g. list some here....)
U M FG VG E Topic you liked best:__________ Why? Topic you liked least:__________ Why?2. The course format: (problems, discussions, small groups, projects)
U M FG VG E3. The use of the computer
U M FG VG E4. The use of journals.
U M FG VG E5. The textbook
U M FG VG E6. The newspaper and journal articles used in the course
U M FG VG E7. The student projects
U M FG VG E8. The class discussions
U M FG VG E9. The small-group discussions
U M FG VG E10. How much have you learned in this course?
An exceptional amount Very Much Much Some Little11. All things considered, how would you rate this course?
Exceptionally Good Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor very poor12. What did you like best about this class?
13. What did you like least about this class?
14. Do you plan to enroll in another statistics course in the future?
15. How confident do you feel about assessing statistical information reported in a scientific study?
Very confident Somewhat Confident Unsure Not Confident at all16. How has this course affected your view of how research is conducted?
17. How has this course affected your opinion of how research is presented in the media?
18. Any final suggestions for improving the course?